The data came out today.

I said you don't have to bet on CPI. Now the data agencies will know in advance, and there will be insider trading. If you are brave enough, you can open a long position at 8:29:55, but the risk is too great. I just looked at the data this time, which is a big positive. The interest rate cut in September should be mentioned again. There is a high probability that Ethereum will make up for the rise. After all, its positive news is coming soon.

Discussing the currency circle

The primary market and secondary market of the currency circle

The primary market is like [unlisted equity]

The secondary market is like [listed stocks]

1. The primary market has a small market value, large appreciation space, and large fluctuations, which is suitable for small funds and small gains

2. The secondary market has a high market value, small appreciation space, and relatively stable fluctuations, which is suitable for large funds and stable and safe

So now many players invest and allocate

[Large funds]

80% of the funds are used to build positions in mainstream currencies,

20% of the funds are used to build positions in high-quality coins in the primary market

[Small funds]

Directly build positions in high-quality coins in the primary market

Data provided by Binance

Binance Chain Primary Market Potential Coin OSKS Contract

0xfbc2ae69b62353b07591ec0faf67aa7ee933417b The pool accounts for more than 70%. How is the project? Study the real data to see if it has potential.

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