【The ultimate goal of trading is to achieve long-term, continuous and stable profits. What kind of state is stable profit?

Today we will unveil its mysterious veil. The essence of trading is a process of making profits and losses, which means that no matter who you are, no matter what method you use, no matter how well you do, there will be times of profit and loss in the trading process.

The alternation of profit and loss is an inevitable phenomenon. No matter what method you use, no matter how hard you try, it is difficult to change. There is no need to delve into the reasons here, because as long as you clearly understand and recognize this logic, you have succeeded.

Since trading must be a state of alternating profit and loss, it becomes extremely simple to understand stable profit. If there is a sequence of profit and loss, assuming that you make a profit first and then lose, then only when you make as much profit as possible can you withstand the subsequent losses. If you lose first and then make a profit, then you can only control the loss as much as possible, and then it will be easy to get back the money.

On this basis, if the success rate is raised, this is the most ideal stable profit. Based on this cognition, even if it is difficult to achieve, at least you will take fewer detours. #美国CPI数据即将公布 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?