
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics plans to release the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data for June at 20:30 Beijing time tonight

This data is an important indicator for measuring the inflation level in the United States. Market participants pay close attention to it to predict the direction of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy and assess the future trend of the US dollar index

According to market expectations, the year-on-year increase in the CPI in June may drop from 3.3% in May to 3.1%, while the core CPI annual rate is expected to remain unchanged from the previous value of 3.4%

This indicates that inflationary pressures may be gradually easing, providing room for the Fed's possible interest rate cuts in the future

The market generally expects the Fed to initiate its first interest rate cut this year, which will have a long-term negative impact on the US dollar index

If the CPI data is higher than expected, indicating that inflation is still stubborn or on an upward trend, the market may expect the Fed to maintain a higher interest rate level to curb inflation, which may lead to a decline in bond prices and pressure on the stock market. In addition, higher inflation data may also increase the risk of overheating and more aggressive tightening policies in the future.

If the CPI data shows that the inflation rate is lower than the Fed's target level or inflationary pressure has eased, the market may interpret it as the Fed may take interest rate cuts at future meetings to support economic growth and prevent deflation risks. In this case, bond prices may rise because lower inflation expectations reduce the actual return risk of holding fixed-income assets, and the stock market may also be boosted because lower interest rates are generally beneficial to corporate earnings and stock price performance.

The release of CPI data tonight will be an important event in the financial market. In order to avoid the ups and downs after the release of the data, it is recommended to wait and see for the time being, and make plans to enter the market after the data comes out. At the same time, the spot market should make good plans for entry.