There is a very important thing about contracts, which is the counterparty.

That is to say, the money you win by going long comes from the money you lose by going short.

In theory, long contracts and short contracts are one-to-one.

In mature futures markets, the operation method is forced liquidation, which is generally limited to 30%, that is, a 30% increase or decrease will trigger forced liquidation, forcibly closing the positions of both long and short parties, one party wins money and the other party loses money.

However, the contracts in the currency circle are not like this. Its contracts are not completely long and short. Many of your contracts come from the platform, that is, your counterparty is the platform.

This platform is very formal and does not participate. It only matches the contracts of long and short parties. However, if it lacks a forced liquidation system, it will happen that you theoretically make a lot of money in your account, but this money is theoretically paid to you by the short account, however

The owner of the account directly does not want the account, and you can't do anything.

If the platform still sits on the bank and participates in the contract, the network cable will be pulled out. You have money in your account, but you can't withdraw it, because the platform simply does not have that much money to compensate you.

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