The OPSEC cryptocurrency, owned by AI cloud security platform OpSec, crashed 88% after reports of a security breach. Users suffered significant financial losses, raising suspicions about the reliability of the platform. 🕵️‍♂️

On July 10th, OpSec announced a hack that resulted in funds being stolen from their staking contract. The OpSec team emphasized the urgency of the situation and proposed a plan to remove liquidity from the current OPSEC contract and move to a new contract address.

Despite OpSec's assurances, many in the crypto community have expressed doubts about the authenticity of the hack. Some users suspect that the incident may be a cover for internal fraud.

The consequences of the incident were severe for OPSEC. At the time of writing, OPSEC is still down 88%, trading at $0.05582 according to CoinMarketCap data.