In response to the requests of many coin friends, I have released a tutorial. The main reason why I haven't released it for so long is that I think the mortgage task is not worth doing.

1. The task requires a large amount of money and takes a long time, which results in the funds being fixed in one place for a long time. This is only suitable for those who have a lot of money but don’t know where to spend it.

2. Mortgage lending has a liquidation risk, which is much higher than Task 8 and Task 10, and there is a risk of zero return.

These are at your discretion, the links required for the task

Borrowing and mortgage address:

Then here is the third season mission overview:Lista Season 3 Mission Overview

Task 1: Participants can earn Season 3 Stardust by providing acceptable collateral on Lista DAO.

Except BNB, ETH or slisBNB

Stardust Rewards: Participants will receive 1 Stardust reward per day for every USD worth of collateral they provide.

As shown in the figure, BNB, ETH, and BTC are not involved in Task 1. The rest of the tokens pledged will receive Stardust rewards (1 Stardust per $1 per day).

After entering the amount you want to deposit, click on the gold to approve it, and then the deposit is completed after authorization. The subsequent deposit tasks are the same operation.

Task 2 — Provide BNB or ETH as collateral on Lista DAO

As the name suggests, select BNB or ETH as the deposit amount in the collateral provided to deposit and get rewards

For every dollar worth of collateral provided, 10 Stardust will be rewarded daily.

Task 3 — Provide slisBNB as collateral on Lista DAO

(After depositing, the slisbnb balance points of the wallet holder who does not participate in Task 8 will be rewarded)

Select slisBNB as the deposit amount in the collateral provided to deposit and get rewards

For every USD worth of collateral provided, 5 Stardust will be rewarded daily.

Task 4 — Borrow lisUSD on Lista DAO

After providing collateral, the next step is to borrow lisUSD. Enter the amount, approve, and continue to complete the task.
(There is a risk of liquidation after large fluctuations in the currency price, so please consider participating with caution)

Participants will receive 15 Stardust rewards per day for every dollar of lisUSD they borrow

Task 5 — Providing liquidity in lisUSD related LPs

In the side navigation bar, go to "Earn", scroll down and find the staking pool with the suffix LP to stake. You need slisBNB here.

Every $1 of liquidity will earn 20 Stardust rewards per day

Task 7 — Deposit slisBNB or lisUSD as collateral

You can provide lisUSD or slisBNB as collateral on Venus, Karak Protocol or Astherus. Currently, the lista pledge official website only provides a pledge pool for Venus to deposit lisUSD. The rest need to go to the Karak Protocol or Astherus official website for pledge.

For every dollar of collateral provided, you will receive 3 Stardust per day.

Task 9 — Providing liquidity to LISTA related LPs

Participants can deposit slisBNB and lisUSD on PancakeSwap to provide liquidity

Every $1 of liquidity will earn a daily reward of 25 Stardust.

If you have any other questions, please leave a message in the comment area for discussion. Thank you for your reading
#币安7周年 #ListaDAO #Lista #Lista启航新纪元