IO's rise is likely to be for shipment. Recently, there are 2.11 million unlocked. The only good news is that USDC spot trading will be launched tomorrow!

IO.NET is a cloud computing project that combines artificial intelligence (AI) and decentralized finance (DeFi), relying on the powerful performance of Solana.

Fixed maximum supply: The maximum supply of IO coins is 800 million.

IO has issued 500 million tokens and will gradually issue the remaining 300 million tokens in the next 20 years until the upper limit of 800 million tokens is reached. This means that there is very little selling pressure.

The issuance of IO coins follows a deflationary plan. This means that the inflation rate starts at 8% per year and gradually decreases by about 12.165% per year until it finally reaches about 0.68% after 20 years, with a total of 800 million tokens.

IO coins use a programmatic token destruction system, in which IO tokens use the income generated by the IOG network to purchase and destroy IO coins. The destruction mechanism adjusts the destruction amount according to the price of IO coins.

The specific destruction method has not yet been announced, but a detailed destruction plan will be provided later. Personally, I think the destruction mechanism here is linked to price and quantity: the higher the price, the less the destruction; the lower the price, the more the destruction.

If we follow the recommendation of the IO official website, the lower the price, the greater the destruction. It does have the potential to become a 10x coin. The market value is not very high, and it is in line with the future trend. The popularity of AI will become more and more common!

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