#美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛 #美国6月非农数据高于预期

I believe many people are concerned about the data tonight. I don’t know how you think about it. Is it good or bad? However, some friends don’t believe in the data, because the previous few times, the good news was randomly cut, which led to some people not caring about the data.

But Brother Jiu still wants to tell you that you still have to look at the data. At least it will be a reference, indicating a general direction. In the bull market, or in a certain rising market, less position change, less trading, and must be executed when reaching the stop profit point;

No one can sell at the highest point and buy at the lowest point; don’t eat all the meat.

Pay attention to the liquidity of the transaction. In any market, the exhaustion of liquidity is a manifestation of the market being deserted.

When liquidity is not high, your choice can be to confirm the current cycle, build a position at a low point, or enjoy life and wait and see. $BTC $$ETH $BNB