The market is not good, and everyone is not in a good mood. Many people think that the bull market may not exist.

Naturally, it is affected by short-term prices. When prices are high, we think we are gods! Buffett is nothing. When prices are low, we think we are leeks and this circle is a scam.

Let's summarize a few points:

1. Don't doubt that we are still in the bull market process. The bull market will continue at least until September next year, or even longer!

2. In the next period of time: Every time the price drops, ETH will be more cost-effective than BTC until the Ethereum ETF is passed, but it is recommended to exchange ETH back to BTC at the appropriate time!

3. Will there be an outbreak period for the copycat? There will be, this is determined by the law, not by anyone's will! But at the same time, what you buy can it explode? New cycle, new copycat coins, this is a key issue. In addition, this is a test of people's determination and patience. Most people can't stand it! If you think you can't stand it, you might as well sell it in advance!

4. When the Fed starts buying assets, it means a huge inflow of liquidity, which will also affect cryptocurrencies. At present, the Fed is just selling assets, but the reversal is coming.

5. BLAST and ZK may end the ecology of staking. The overall situation of the Restaking track has been determined, and the Bitcoin network seems to have returned to calm. But the real narrative, the concept of the siphon effect, has not actually appeared. It may be AI or MOVE, and of course it may be MEME! We don’t have to do anything, just wait patiently and dig hard!

6. The cyclicality of the bull market is regular but not completely regular. The market is changing rapidly. Everyone must find a way to keep the same in the face of changes, otherwise the heart will be very tired! Retail investors will not lose interest in cryptocurrencies, and retail investors will not lose interest in money-making opportunities. The volatility of the cottage will be very large, and at the same time, it will be pulled back very quickly. It will come back in a few days. 312 519 has experienced a drop of 90%. Some cottages have dropped more than 10 times. When the bull market starts next year, it will be 10-20 on the basis before 312. When liquidity returns, garbage will take off. Don’t lose confidence!

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