Ethereum Market Dynamics Brief: The current market multi-party forces seem to be somewhat exhausted. Although the short side has launched a large-scale sell-off, the short side is trapped. However, according to the comprehensive data and news analyzed by Brother Mao, the short side is not to be feared at present.

3060 is a buying point worth paying attention to. The market obviously cannot stand in this price range, showing a certain upward potential and forming an upward symmetrical V shape, which is usually a bullish signal📶

However, despite the signs of a correction in the market, the short side seems to lack sufficient momentum, especially in the context of large-scale retail buying and market good news. The price correction from the bottom to 3054 points is only a moment, but it has not yet touched the key support level of 3022 points.

Brother Mao maintains his previous market views and continues to post articles suggesting that investors every decline is an opportunity to increase positions or get on the train. Be patient and wait for the market to rebound. #CPI数据 #美联储何时降息? #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH