🔥Hot news! According to MistTrack monitoring, the notorious wallet stealing group Inferno Drainer attempted to transfer the 174.1261 WETH (about $533,000) it stole through the privacy protocol Railgun. 😱However, Railgun did not let them succeed, but blacklisted the relevant addresses, forcing them to send the tokens back to Inferno's original wallet address. 👏

Railgun contributor Alan Scott Jr said that Inferno maliciously attempted to use the Ethereum-based privacy protocol, but was rejected by Railgun's automated private proof of innocence (Private POI) system. Scott said: "Once the Private POI system is activated, these tokens can only be returned to the attacker's address." 🔒This incident once again proves the importance of blockchain technology in protecting the security of user assets. 🚀

We remain optimistic about the prospects of Bitcoin. Despite market fluctuations, Bitcoin's infrastructure and acceptance are steadily improving. 💪Let us look forward to more possibilities of blockchain technology together! 🌈