Is the token swap a positive or negative? In the 2017 wave of projects, many were public chain projects. When they raised funds, they issued ERC20 tokens. After their mainnet was launched, they exchanged from ERC20 to the mainnet tokens. For example, BNB was originally issued on eth, and then it was exchanged back after it had its own public chain. There was also the early celebrity internet celebrity project Hong Shao Rou HSR. HSR was issued on a testnet, and it was exchanged to HC after the official mainnet was launched. This kind of token swap is reasonable.

Most of the current token swaps are from one eth contract to another. What users feel is that the name and total amount have changed. I don’t know what the meaning of this change is? Either the early token design was not considered enough, or they wanted to abolish the tokens held by some people.