This address withdrew 16,448.7 ETH ($50 million) from Binance in the early hours of yesterday morning. Six hours ago, it withdrew 8,014.6 ETH ($25 million) from Binance. In 24 hours, a total of 24,463.3 ETH ($75 million) was withdrawn. , with an average price of $3,066.

This address must belong to Elwood:

Elwood minted and transferred 75 million USDC from Circle to Binance in the past 1 day, then withdrew 75 million USD worth of ETH (24,463.3 units) from Binance through this address.

1. Transfer 50 million USDC to Binance on the night of July 9 and withdraw 50 million USD worth of ETH (16,448.7 units) from Binance early morning of July 10;

2. Transfer 25 million USDC to Binance on the night of July 10 and withdraw 25 million USD worth of ETH (8,014.6 units) from Binance early morning of July 11.

These 24,463.3 ETH ($75 million) are currently stored at address 0x86752a5036F062731d22B56b93be73E62061878b.