BTC market closed at the daily level in the early morning. During the day, we will first look at the rebound to repair yesterday's upward insertion. First look at the first resistance position near 58600. After the private level breakthrough, look at the position near 59600. During the day, you can first focus on the 58000-59000 range. Mainly look at the closing of the four-hour level. As long as it does not stand above the position of 58600, the market will still start to step back from the end of the European session in the afternoon to the evening. The support point during the day will first look at the 56800-57200 range. The effective support point during the day is focused on the position near 56000.

ETH yesterday during the day It did not rise or fall, but rebounded during the decline of the big cake. The market just reached the resistance position near 3160 and then stepped back to 3080. During the day, we will first look at the rebound. The resistance position of the day is 3160-3200. It mainly depends on the closing of the four-hour level. As long as it stands firmly at 3160, it is also necessary to prevent the upper pin to the position near 3230 before it can be stepped back. If the strong resistance near 3160 in the intraday market is stepped back, the first line of support will first look at the 3020-3060 range, and the second line of support will focus on the line near 3960.

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