#SolanaNews# Solana has grown significantly over the past year, and its latest 1.18.15 software update marks major improvements to the network. In addition, in order to cope with transaction congestion and rising costs, Solana is considering adopting L2 and Rollup technologies. At the same time, with the development of application chains and L2 in the fields of gaming, artificial intelligence, banking and trading, the development momentum of L2 and Solana Virtual Machine (SVM) modularization continues to increase. In addition, Solana developer platform Helius and Solana’s ZK layer Light Protocol introduced a technology called ZK compression to expand the network. Finally, Solana is developing new node clients Firedancer and Mithril to enhance its scalability, efficiency, and robustness. Overall, Solana’s future is bright and the chain will adapt its architecture to meet growing demand and pave the way for continued growth and advancement.