Dreams are a beacon that illuminates our way forward. No matter how strong the wind and rain are, we must persevere.

Wednesday market: The market fluctuates during the day. After a slight decline in the morning, it rebounded strongly. The high of 59449 was suppressed and unable to rise, forming a turning point to fluctuate and fall, and the low of 57416 formed a structural trend of rising in the morning and falling in the afternoon and evening. Wei Yi looked up in the morning, and looked for a callback after touching the high. The overall trend of the day was also carried out in Wei Yi's expectation, and Wei Yi also won two shorts and one long in the day as expected, with a total of 3900 points for big cake and 170 points for ether.

The decline is always faster than the increase. This is the rhythm recognized by the market. The increase has to go through multiple shocks to achieve an upward break, while the decline has to fall back strongly at one time to complete all the previous gains. Compared with the strength of the rise and fall, the decline is much faster. The short-term general trend is still a bullish trend, and the callback is accompanied by a rebound. Whether it is a second effective top, pay attention to the signals of the market in the short term. If it cannot effectively break through the 58,500 line, there is still a great probability of a second decline.

After the market strongly touched the 59,449 line and fell downward, it entered the callback and adjustment stage again in the short term, so the structure failed to achieve a substantial increase. Whether it can effectively break the high point requires a stronger rhythm to achieve. In the short term, the weakness will continue. Once a rebound trend structure is formed, it is still necessary to follow the changes in the market rhythm.

Big Pie idea: 57000-57300, target 60000

Ether idea: 3090-3070, target 3200$BTC $BNB #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #BTC下跌分析 #美国6月非农数据高于预期