Five taboos for trading contracts: Steady progress

In the world of contract trading, every step needs to be cautious. The following are five taboos that must be remembered to help you move forward steadily.

1. Get rid of "investment anxiety"

Investors are often eager to place orders because they have no orders in their hands, and they are worried when they have orders in their hands. This "investment anxiety" leads to frequent operations, which may eventually fall into a vicious cycle of more and more losses. Stay calm and reduce unnecessary operations to move forward steadily.

2. Avoid blind operations around the clock

Frequent switching between long and short positions, trying to capture every market opportunity, but often ignoring the power of market trends. Firmly go long in the bull market and insist on going short in the bear market. Going with the trend is the long-term solution.

3. Be cautious about rebounds

Grabbing rebounds is like walking on a tightrope, with high returns and high risks. For inexperienced investors, they should act more cautiously, strictly manage funds, and avoid heavy positions to grab rebounds. Learn to wait and wait for the best time to make a move.

4. Strictly control positions and avoid full positions

Full position operation is like gambling. Once the market direction changes suddenly, it may fail miserably. Reasonable position control is the key to protecting the safety of funds. It is recommended to open a position of no more than 30% of the total funds each time to leave room for possible fluctuations.

5. Learn to stop loss and admit defeat in time

Many investors are stubborn when they lose money and are unwilling to admit mistakes, resulting in continuous expansion of losses. In investment, it is not shameful to admit mistakes. The important thing is to stop losses in time to avoid greater losses. Remember, the market is always right, we just need to follow the market and adjust our strategies.

At the same time, history also tells us that even top investors cannot completely avoid the risks brought by market fluctuations. Therefore, it is crucial to remain humble and cautious during the investment process. Clarify your investment goals and risk tolerance, and do not blindly pursue high returns while ignoring potential risks. Only in this way can we move forward steadily in the wave of the currency circle and enjoy the fun and rewards brought by investment.

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