CoinVoice recently learned that according to the official latest information, the Ethereum interoperability protocol Omni Network announced the launch of the Streams feature to provide a faster and more flexible way to deliver the latest information. With Streams, developers can now choose to send their XMsgs in two different modes: fast mode and finalization mode.

Among them, the fast mode can achieve the latest near-instant delivery. Once the source rollup issues a sequencer confirmation for a given transaction, the fast mode transaction will be sent to the target network, which is suitable for low-value transactions that need to be delivered instantly; while the finalization mode is suitable for high-value transactions that require higher security. The finalization mode ensures that the latest learning is delivered after the rollup publishes its call data to L1 and is finalized within two Ethereum beacon chain epochs (about 12 minutes). This mode provides additional guarantees and is suitable for large transactions. [Original link]