Mind Network has launched the Alpha mainnet and launched a fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) restaking layer for PoS and AI networks.

In the first phase of the FHE restaking layer, Mind Network plans to launch and improve restaking related functions.

The restaking service includes two types of pools: Flexi Pool and Club Pool. Flexi Pool supports flexible deposits and withdrawals at any time, while Club Pool has a fixed lock-up period but can obtain higher returns.

The networks and assets supported in the initial stage include pufETH, ezETH, eETH, swETH, Pendle PT, etc.

Users who participate in the Mind Network restaking activities will receive Mind XP points, as well as multiple staking rewards for various protocols.

Mind XP is a points system in the Mind Network ecosystem that measures the user's contribution to the ecosystem. The main considerations include the staking amount and staking duration.

In June 2023, (交留威❤) BNB 000789, Mind Network completed a $2.5 million seed round of financing, with investors including Binance Labs, Comma3 Ventures, SevenX Ventures, HashKey Capital, Big Brain Holdings, Arweave SCP Ventures, Mandala Capital and other well-known institutions. #ASI代币合并计划 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #TON

(Jun Yang's early review strategy analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum from Monday to Saturday, long-term irregular recommendation of high-quality coins and live analysis) Focus on the main business and don't get lost