🚀🚀Heavy positive news🚀🚀

CSRC approved a comprehensive suspension of the transfer and financing of bonds!

According to the latest information released by the CSRC on July 10, the CSRC approved China Securities Finance Corporation to suspend the transfer and financing business in accordance with the law, and further strengthened the counter-cyclical regulation of the financing. The existing transfer and financing contracts can be extended from July 11, 2024, but must be settled no later than September 30.

The CSRC stated that this adjustment clarified the legal extension and the new and old separation arrangements for the existing business, which will help prevent business risks and maintain the stable and orderly operation of the market. The CSRC stated that it will adhere to the problem-oriented and goal-oriented approach and always put the maintenance of institutional fairness and the improvement of the inherent stability of the market in a prominent position. Brother Mao believes that this is almost a good news for the crypto market.

Every current decline is an opportunity to get on the train! Believe it or not, those who follow Brother Mao this month have eaten meat. #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #币安7周年 $BTC $ETH $SOL