Last night, Bao's speech was relatively neutral, which raised the market's expectations for a rate cut in September. Hang Qing did not rise significantly. In the morning, the big cake took off directly, and the price of the currency refreshed the last Haodian. The Duo given out was out again.

At present, the sentiment of the persimmon field is relatively strong. Moreover, it is a ten-day positive arrangement, and the sentiment of the Duo head is close to the extreme value. The upper resistance of the day is 60300, 61000, and the lower support is 57000, 56400. Silk dew can be mainly around Hao kong.

Big cake is around 59500-60000, and it is expected to be around 58300-57600#美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #BTC下跌分析