What does it mean that the main long position of B network has started a new round of buying and building BTC positions after two years?

Let's analyze the situation and explore the main intention to seize potential opportunities!

From May 22 to July 22, the B network's holdings of big cakes increased from about 40,000 to around 110,000. In April 23, the first reduction of about 20,000 positions began. From November 23 to January 24, the second reduction of 35,000 positions. From February 24 to mid-March 24, the third reduction of 30,000 positions. After the three rounds of reduction, the holding volume is just around 40,000. From the end of April to the present, from the chart, it can be seen that the main force has started a new round of position building after two years.

From the comparison of the position building and the Bitcoin trend chart, it can be clearly seen that the main position building of B network, including the reduction of positions, is an accurate judgment and control of the long-term trend. From 22 to 24, this round of accurate bands has made lucrative profits.

Now the main force of B network has started a new round of buying and building positions. It is not clear how much he wants to buy. We can always pay attention to it. After he finishes building positions, it is likely that the market will start. At the same time, this time the position building is also likely to prepare for the main rising wave of the bull market.

It just so happens that the big cake is stepping down, and the altcoin market is turning from a short-term downward trend to a volatile trend. This data is still quite meaningful for reference, and it also verifies that the bull market has not ended, but is just a mid-term rest adjustment. Once the future market starts, it will be more fierce.

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