Before many big market trends emerge, there is usually a long period of bottom shock.

The core purpose of this process is to force those stubborn investors to finally give up their chips through the passage of time.

This process requires a lot of time and energy, but only after these stubborn chips are thoroughly cleaned up, the future rise and adjustment phases can be smoother and safer, and the resistance will be smaller, and the chance of success will be higher.

Most people tend not to think deeply about this process, or only look at the problem from the perspective of retail investors. Retail investors only see their losses, hope more when they rise, and feel panic when they fall, and often fall into a mentality that only focuses on the rise and fall in front of them.

However, once we analyze this process from the perspective of the banker, we will find that the logic becomes very clear. Especially those who have been bankers or have many years of retail experience are more likely to understand this. Want to know specific opportunities, specific decisions, communication +: BNB11557

Therefore, the most successful traders are often not only technical experts, but also masters of retail mentality management.

Generally speaking, when dealing with retail investors, a falling trend is the most effective means, which can eliminate about 60% of retail investors; an upward trend can eliminate 30%; and a sideways trend can only eliminate about 10% of retail investors.