【Fuel Airdrop Tutorial】

Project Introduction: Fuel is a modular execution layer based on UTXO, bringing globally accessible scale to Ethereum. As a modular execution layer, Fuel can achieve global throughput in a way that a monolithic chain cannot, while inheriting the security of Ethereum.

Project Financing:

Amount of Financing: US$81.5 million

Investors: CoinFund, Blockchain Capital, Stratos, Spartan Group

The activity of obtaining points by staking deposits has been launched in the past two days.

Participation method:

Deposit link: https://app.fuel.network/earn-points/deposit/

Point query: https://app.fuel.network/earn-points/top-contributors/

Point rules:

1. Deposit the following assets to get a 1x multiplier (1.5 points/U/day) ETH, WETH, eETH, rsETH, rETH, wbETH, USDT, USDC, USDe, sUSDe and stETH

2. Deposit ezETH to get a 2x multiplier (3 points/U/day (only applicable from July 8 to July 22, 2024)

3. Deposit ETH series assets, and points will be calculated based on the price fluctuations of ETH.

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