Let me tell you something real. Many people have been poor for most of their lives, not because they don’t work hard, but because they are locked into a class by perfectionism and moral cleanliness. The underlying logic behind this is: if you want to jump out of your comfort zone and have more opportunities, you must first accept your own imperfections, and only by making more mistakes can you see new horizons. Perfectionists are always timid and always stand still.

The first time was the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977.

Many children from poor families achieved class leap.

The second time was the township enterprises in the 1980s.

It gave farmers the first opportunity to turn over and achieve class leap.

The third time was the arbitrage of the dual-track system.

Buying at a low price within the plan and selling at a market price outside the plan allowed a large number of people to achieve primitive accumulation.

The fourth time was to go into business.

The "market economy" of the 14th National Congress was written into the Party Constitution, triggering a wave of going into business.

The fifth time was the WTO bonus period.

Coal bosses became rich.

The sixth time was the crazy real estate market.

Countless people were changed by the crazy rise in housing prices.

The seventh time was the rise of the Internet.

A large number of Internet companies and millionaires were created.

The eighth time was encryption?

The ninth time was artificial intelligence?

Opportunities in any field are always there, but many people are destined to miss them in hesitation and wandering. Many people always want to get a definite answer and a perfect solution, but in fact this is impossible.

Accepting imperfections, even a little bit of ruffian, is easier to break through the class seal.

Now young people want to make money. It is a completely feasible solution to find the entry point for their own wealth explosion in the b circle by relying on the rapid development of this new financial market. Some people may say that the ups and downs of the b circle are too big, and the probability of being cut by the dealer is too high. I can tell you why the currency circle has such large fluctuations. The root cause is that there are many retail investors in the early stage, low institutional participation, and extremely small capital scale, which only accounts for a very small proportion of the financial market. Therefore, the inflow or outflow of a small amount of large funds can cause huge fluctuations. This makes the currency circle a bonus market, attracting young people in countries with solidified classes such as South Korea. They regard it as a way to change their destiny and seek opportunities to get rich. From the perspective of Taoist philosophy, large fluctuations are the norm of system self-balance and long-term stability. Fluctuations are not only harmless, but also a necessary phenomenon for development. I am Si Qing. If you don’t know what to do in the current market, welcome to consult Si Qing #美联储何时降息? #ETHETF $SOL $TIA