Bitcoin rebounded! The neckline of the W double bottom pattern has been broken, and it is expected to rebound to the resistance level close to 60,000. The bottom formed many times before will become the resistance of the rebound here.

The greater resistance level is around 61,000, because this is the downward trend line. If it reaches, you can try to short on a small scale. If the price breaks through, stop loss in time and go long.

However, I don’t like shorting very much, and I prefer to buy at low levels. Recently, the market is full of coins that have been discounted, whether it is SOL, PEPE, or BNB and Floki, they have performed well and are suitable for spot or low-multiple entry.

If you are still underwater and can’t see the trend of the market, you will fall if you are bullish and rise if you are bearish. Follow me and pin it to share the profit code for free every day

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