Is there a free lunch like giving money away in the world? Especially in the cryptocurrency circle.

Let's take a look at how the mnemonic routine is used to cheat people.

You will often see some people in the comment area saying that they have quit the circle, and at the same time send out the mnemonic phrases and say that they will give the remaining money in the wallet to the destined person.

1. First of all, the mnemonic wallet he gave you is a multi-signature wallet, which means that even if you have the mnemonic phrase, you have no authority to transfer the money in it.

2. At the same time, gas fees are required for transfers, and the chains he uses are generally Ethereum, and there are also chains such as Sol, because the gas fees of these chains are relatively high. When you see that there is money in it and transfer the gas fee into it, he will use scripts or faster ways to quickly transfer the gas fee you transferred into other wallets.

3. This is to cast a wide net, tricking multiple people into transferring gas fees. One wallet can cheat many people. Even if you suffer a loss in this way, it is difficult to protect your rights and the money you have been cheated of is not much. Most people are equivalent to paying for a lesson.

4. You may think that you can't make much money from this, but a little bit of money will add up to a lot, and it won't work with a lot of people.

So it's better not to be greedy for small bargains, especially when it comes to wallet transfers, authorizations, on-chain interactive contracts, etc.!

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