In the case of a long-term bullish market, what should we do if there is a short-term decline?

A truly smart person will take the opportunity to buy continuously. Isn’t the continuous selling at high prices just to prepare for such an opportunity?

As for those retail investors who always expect "lower prices", they will continue to miss the opportunity to buy at the bottom, because the bottom is a box.

Recently, I have bought more ether and sol (more sol), and these two have bands.

Why I am optimistic about sol when it also falls, this has been mentioned in the previous article. In the short term, compared with Bitcoin, sol has now recovered the position before the decline in July, and each rise in the middle of the callback is more powerful, with more band space.

As long as the big cake plummets, these two will follow the decline, just buy directly, and the rebound will be faster. The bottom-fishing of the copycat is also in batches, and it is expected that the layout will be almost done. As mentioned in the previous article, the band will be reduced after the 15th.

I personally think that the worst situation has passed.

Of course, the same sentence, market prediction is risky, and it only represents personal opinions. It is enough for individuals to dare to predict the market in the worst case.

Even if it falls to the worst, I will stand with everyone. This time, we hit the double bottom. As long as we buy at the bottom instead of selling at a loss, we will have a great psychological advantage when the bull market comes.

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