Odaily Planet Daily News: Ontinue Capital partner Pima posted on the X platform: 1. In the long run, MEV is the fundamental indicator for measuring the development prospects of a chain; 2. TVL is a kind of MEME. You raise the price of L1 Token by 5x-10x to align with ETH, and then measure the capital turnover rate; 3. FDV is not a MEME; 4. Economic security is a kind of MEME and is unreliable (refer to LUNA/ATOM); 5. The execution layer is the biggest value capture; 6. The dex data of a chain can better reflect the prosperity of the ecosystem. Remember to remove the data of stablecoin exchange pairs and L1 Token-U/ETH pairs. 60% of the trading volume of some Dex are of the above two types; 7. The target customer group of L1/L2 is Dev, not community users. Don’t develop strategies around the community, but around Dev; 8. The Seven Sisters of the U.S. stock market are inevitable, and the market value and trading volume of the cryptocurrency circle will also be greatly concentrated; 9. Don’t just tell me how many users you have, tell me how much your revenue is. The ultimate goal of acquiring users is to find a business model to monetize users; 10. We are committed to introducing the traditional investment system/valuation model into the cryptocurrency circle. Value is the foundation of prosperity.