Yesterday, the Bitcoin market ushered in a significant increase of more than two percentage points. However, the overall market pattern showed a relatively obvious differentiation trend. Bitcoin has continued to maintain a steady upward trend since its iconic low of $15,443. After an initial rapid rise and subsequent solid consolidation for more than 100 days, this trend has once again gained momentum and achieved an increase of approximately 200%. After a stunning increase, it entered a new consolidation stage.

Currently, the market generally expects that Bitcoin may build its short-term support level around $53,329. Whether it is an absolute low or a relative secondary low, this area is regarded as an extremely attractive batch building range, especially Near $530, it is regarded as a buying opportunity with a high margin of safety.

For investors who already hold long positions in Bitcoin, whether to choose to close part of their positions should be a flexible decision based on personal risk tolerance (the "c position" here is assumed to be a simplified expression of risk tolerance). If the position is heavy, it is wise to reduce the position appropriately to diversify the risk; conversely, if the position is relatively light, it is recommended to remain patient and avoid leaving the market prematurely, in order to profit from the possible subsequent rising market, or during the market correction. Capture more buying opportunities.

In addition, Bitcoin currently appears to be in a potential triangle consolidation pattern, and investors should pay close attention to the dynamics of the key range of $530 to $545. If a new low is confirmed within this range, this will be a valuable opportunity to increase investment again and capture the rebound. In short, staying vigilant and responding flexibly are indispensable investment strategies in the current market environment. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年 #BTC下跌分析 #美国6月非农数据高于预期