Today's currency market dynamics:

BTC closed at around 58,000 in the early trading session, but unfortunately failed to break through the key resistance level of 58,500, indicating that this level has lost its effectiveness as a breakthrough point in the short term. Next, the market's focus will turn to the new challenge of 59,000. If it can effectively break through and stand firm here, it can be regarded as a signal of increased bullish power, stopping the decline and stabilizing, and then it is expected to launch an impact on the high of 63,000. On the contrary, if it fails to cross the 59,000 threshold, the market may continue to maintain a shock consolidation trend and conduct a deep wash.

Ethereum closed at around 3066, and the overall performance still appeared weak. It is worth noting that the psychological barrier of 3100 is still stable and has become the focus of competition between long and short parties. If Ethereum can successfully break through and stand firmly above 3100, it indicates that it will get rid of the recent decline and enter the upward channel. However, if this breakthrough is not achieved, the market may continue the current shock pattern and conduct further chip cleaning.

In the face of the current market situation, investors should remain rational and patient, and do not need to be overly pessimistic. After all, from the support level of 58,000, we have gradually moved away from the low of 53,000 and are closer to the new milestone of 60,000. The trend of the market often requires time to settle and test, so let us wait and see.

Recently, for those investors who are eager to sell their stocks due to market fluctuations, they may feel regretful and helpless. But please remember that the essence of trading is like this, and mentality and strategy are equally important. People who cannot stick to their beliefs and operate emotionally often find it difficult to gain a foothold in the market. Therefore, we should uphold the principle of "not talking about trading lightly, but being firm in trading", and face the ups and downs of the market with a calm mind. Only in this way can we stand out from the fierce competition and become one of the few 20% who make profits. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年 #BTC下跌分析