Summary of Tuesday, July 9

K-line is the carrier of memory, the witness of trend, and the trace of time. It recalls the past and guides the future. Trading is like chess, and there is no regret in making a move.

From the perspective of the short-term one-hour level line, the market on Tuesday showed an intraday oscillating structure upward from the current structure. Wei Yi also won the overnight low-long position, and there was also a good space point for the intraday short-long conversion. On Tuesday, the big cake won a total of 3,900 points of space, and the concubine won 270 points of space.

Market structure trend:

It does not mean to follow the short position if it goes down. Choosing the entry point is also relatively critical. After falling last night, it failed to form a continuation, but rebounded at a low level. As of the night, the money was collected near a short-term low price, which shows that the short-term continuity is strong. While not chasing the low at a low level, the short-term upward trend is established. Then we should also pay attention to the expectation of adjusting first and then falling. In the morning, it gave a small correction and continued to rise. It came to the upward suppression area in the morning and gave a correction. In the afternoon, the fluctuation returned to the oscillation consolidation range. Structurally, the current decline has touched the point where the previous rise began, so while the short-term low has a certain support, it has also repeatedly come to the resistance position for a long time and has not been broken. The break will soon form a continuous large-volume type, so the continuous break in the future market is a key in the short term. The intraday long and short critical points focus on the suppression near 58200.

Big cake idea: more near 56500, target 60000

Auntie idea: more near 3010, target 3200$ETH $BTC #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #BTC下跌分析 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #美联储何时降息?