Brothers $IO ’s latest announcement says that Apple computers with M series chips cannot mine 🤧

Then this junk coin is really worthless! !

According to DC's announcement, M2 and M3 chips will stop supporting on July 15th, and M2 Ultra and M3 devices will be supported until the end of this month. What’s even more disgusting is that according to the documents on the official website, the M2 chip stopped mining yesterday.

The good days are gone. I originally wanted to rely on mining to get back my capital, but now it’s gone! Junk coins, so annoying! But with such a large number missing, the income from graphics card mining will definitely increase. Brothers, change your equipment and continue working!

In addition, the future potential and opportunities of the ecosystem and $IO token:

As Web3's largest GPU computing network, solves the global computing power shortage and provides strong support for AI and machine learning.

As the demand for high-performance computing resources increases with the development of AI and blockchain, is expected to become an industry leader. The dual-token system and token burning mechanism help increase the value of $IO tokens.

Thoughts on the decentralized infrastructure (DePIN) track:

The current DePIN track is expected to see significant growth to meet the needs of blockchain applications for high performance, scalability and security.

The DePIN track faces technical challenges, but it also provides opportunities for technological innovation and ecological prosperity.

(Note to currency friends: Click on the currency symbol (yellow font) in the post to buy spot. Click on the rectangular box at the end of the post to buy the contract. Pay attention and don’t get lost!) #IO去中心化算力网络 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #币安7周年 #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH