The Open Network (TON) team, Telegram's popular blockchain, announced that it will launch its own layer-2 network based on Polygon technology. This announcement was made at the Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC) in Brussels, Belgium. 😲🚀

The new protocol, TON Chain of Applications (TAC), leverages Polygon's Chain Development Kit (CDK), a customizable toolset that allows Polygon to build its own layer-2 blockchains based on zero-knowledge technology, and an interoperability layer that solves blockchain fragmentation. Will use AggLayer. 🛠️🔗

According to a press release shared with CoinDesk, TAC is “designed to push EVM-based decentralized applications into the TON ecosystem,” while also enabling Ethereum developers to create new programs for Telegram users. 📲💡

“TAC will significantly increase liquidity access for the TON ecosystem and accelerate DeFi adoption,” the TON team said in the press release. “Beyond DeFi, TAC will pave the way for far-reaching innovative applications on the TON blockchain, such as gaming and decentralized identity solutions.” 🎮🔐

This news comes at a time when other major blockchain companies are starting to pursue their own layer-2 networks. In August, cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase launched the "Base" blockchain with Optimism's OP Stack, kicking off the trend. Since then, protocols like Celo and Worldcoin have shared plans to launch layer-2 rollups with OP Stack, and cryptocurrency exchange OKX released a layer-2 called "X Layer" with Polygon's CDK in April. 📈🌐

“We chose to build on the Polygon ecosystem for EVM compatibility, AggLayer's EVM liquidity bridging, comprehensive distribution support, and Polygon's EVM expertise,” TAC founder Pavel Altukhov told CoinDesk via email. “The vibrant community around Polygon was also a key factor in our decision." 🎉🤝

So what do you think? We are waiting your comments!#DeFi#Web3#TON#Polygon