Dock (DOCK) is worth $0.008898 today, more than 100% increase since yesterday. The value of DOCK today is 41.5% lower compared to its value 7 days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of Dock traded was $21,174,041.
Binance has announced the delisting of DOCK, scheduled for July 22. Prior to this, DOCK’s price had been falling, with an 88% drop since April. The delisting news caused a further 50% decrease, but a subsequent 100% recovery has occurred, suggesting unusual market activity that could be seen as price manipulation.

In contrast to the general market trend, DOCK’s trading volume spiked, indicating a possible attempt to influence holder behavior. A

Following Binance’s announcement, the DOCK team expressed surprise and reassured their community of ongoing support, despite not receiving specific reasons for the delisting. This situation has prompted discussions about market dynamics and the impact of exchange listings on token prices.