Web3 security company Hexagate has announced the launch of Gate Security Oracle, powered by eOracle. “We decided to partner with eOracle because the OVS model represents a breakthrough innovation that enables modularity at the middleware level,” said Yaniv Nissenboim, co-founder and CEO of Hexagate. 🚀

eOracle is a modular and programmable data layer designed to extend Ethereum's security framework in the area of ​​oracles. With the introduction of AVS on the EigenLayer platform, leveraging the security provided by billions of dollars in ETH locked for re-staking, centralization and security issues can be overcome. 🛡️

The eOracle oracle network currently supports over $5 billion in ETH. Gate Protocol Security Oracle, developed by Hexagate, uses the OVS model and machine learning to effectively protect protocols from threats and attacks.

Hexagate aims to increase trust in smart contract code and help Web3 organizations protect their users from cyber threats.