Questioning Sun Ge's character? It's better to marvel at his vision!

Sun Yuchen, known as Sun Ge in the world, is a well-known name in the currency circle and the Internet. His story is like an inspirational novel, full of twists and turns and miracles.

Childhood twists and turns and persistence

Sun Ge was born in Xining in 1990. When he was four years old, he moved to Huizhou with his family, where his father became a member of the Planning Bureau and his mother worked tirelessly on the Huizhou Daily. However, the happy days did not last long. His parents divorced and his mother went to Italy, leaving Sun Ge and his father to depend on each other. Despite the financial difficulties, his father's love for Sun Ge never diminished. Go classes, literary dreams, as long as Sun Ge liked them, his father fully supported them.

Sun Ge's academic journey was not smooth sailing. His grades were at the bottom of the list in high school, but he did not give up. In his senior year, his total score was only more than 400 points, and even the third book was in jeopardy. However, at this time, Sun Ge decided to challenge himself and aim directly at Peking University. He began to study frantically, and his grades improved by leaps and bounds, eventually approaching 600 points. But Sun Ge knew that this was far from enough. So he discovered the "loophole" of Peking University's independent enrollment-the first prize of the New Concept Composition Competition can lower the admission score.

Sun Ge's road to study did not stop at Peking University. He applied for the East Asian Studies major at the University of Pennsylvania with excellent grades. However, he was not satisfied with this achievement, but continued to challenge himself and eventually became a member of the Wharton School of Business.

The Legend of Sun Ge

Sun Ge's story is full of twists and turns and miracles. His life is like an inspirational drama that is constantly being staged, which makes people sigh: Such a life is difficult to achieve even if the aunt has been practicing since 1890.

Sun Ge's life is a life of constant challenges and breakthroughs. His story tells us that as long as you have dreams and determination, even if you start from a low starting point, you can create your own glory.

For more stories in the currency circle, see my introduction!

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