Future trends all exist in the past

The details you ignore may be the direction

Looking back at the last round of Powell's speeches, his views have revealed a neutral attitude. Except for not responding positively to the interest rate cut, he affirmed the achievements of other industries in the field of anti-inflation. Although the market outlook continued to fall due to panic selling, we have also made a final conclusion on the market outlook: after this round of decline, the bottom will be built, and the bulls will take over the market in an all-round way (see the article "The long night is coming (end), and a new round of wind direction will fully dominate the crypto market") on July 3).

From the perspective of God, the trend of the big cake is indeed consistent with the view. Since the bottom point, it has exceeded 4,000 points, an increase of nearly 7.5%, supplemented by leverage, which is also a very amazing space, but this is only the ideal holding situation. In fact, even Yuanjian himself currently only holds more than 1,000 points, and the rest of the low-level positions are also realized in rounds of arbitrage in the market outlook. But what Farsight still wants to tell you now is that no matter you have 1,000 points or 2,000 points in your hands, you can hold the bottom position for a long time in this new round of trend, and you should not easily clear the position before reaching 59,000 at least.

Here Farsight tries to recharge everyone's faith through the law of cycles. Looking at the history of the circle, which round of halving will enter a bear market? The fact that it reached above 70,000 several times during the period does not mean that it will top at 70,000, but it depends on whether the market "wants" or "does not want". At present, the "unwanted" factors are about to be exhausted, and the remaining short-selling scraps are not enough for the market to explore again. Then we just need to wait for the bulls to exert their strength. 59,000, 61,000, 64,000, the losses will gradually be recovered, but do you dare to get on the bus now?

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