As long as Germany does not stop selling Bitcoin, the market will not go up

There is no interest rate cut this year

Ethereum ETF is expected to be launched in mid-July

The annual CPI rate will be announced on Thursday, the previous value is 3.30 and the expected value is 3.10

The data is bearish and the pie is expected to be 48,000

The data is bullish and the pie is expected to be 60,000

Observation: not, zro, cel, sats

Patiently wait for the arrival of the market

The bull market tests a person's patience


Follow me, Xinguang is focusing on some currencies that have not yet exploded in the bull market

Xinguang is waiting for this wave of bottoming out

If there are fans who want to follow and make a layout together

Welcome to deduct 1 in the comment area Let me see you🌹

Of course it is not the time yet, wait patiently for the arrival of the market


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