Mining Pulse is an indicator of the mining speed of miners. It mainly includes the deviation of the average block interval time of 14 days from the target time (10 minutes). Specifically, Mining Pulse recommends that we understand the following points:

1. Deviation indicates speed difference:

A negative value indicates that the actual block time is slower than the target time, and a positive value indicates that the actual block time is slower than the target time.

2. Negative values ​​indicate:


Slower block time: If Mining Pulse shows a negative value, it means that blocks are mined slower than expected.


Hash rate growth: This usually happens when the network hash rate is growing faster than it is difficult to increase the speed. In other words, more computing power (miners) are joining, resulting in shorter block generation time.


Network expansion: Indicates that the hash rate of the network is expanding. 3. Positive values ​​indicate:


Slower block time: If Mining Pulse shows a negative value, it means that blocks are mined slower than the target time. Pulse shows a positive value, which means that blocks are mined slower than expected.


Hash rate drop: This usually happens when the network hash rate drops faster than it is difficult to adjust the speed down. That is, some miners may have turned off their equipment (computing power exited), resulting in longer block generation time.


Miner offline: It means that some miners are offline, running the total hash power of the network.

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