Today, July 9, BTC price is 57516

The biggest feature of altcoins is that they are fast and ruthless; after hitting the new low of 54300 twice yesterday, altcoins ushered in a big rebound. The rebound strength of many coins exceeded 20%. This kind of wide-range fluctuation is a short-term behavior within the day. Profits must be taken. The range given yesterday was 58000~55000 for long and short. In terms of amplitude, it is not small, especially for altcoins. If you play contracts, if the direction and point are not good, it is recommended to stop loss directly or simply don’t play, because the amplitude is too large, and carrying orders will kill people. Moreover, the project side is particularly ruthless. If you hesitate, you will become a dilemma, and if you hesitate, you will burst your position. Spot is better. After eating the intraday profit, sell high and buy low. Don't worry about not being able to get your chips back. There is still time~

Back to the market

1. The market saw a sharp decline last week. BTC fell three consecutive times on the daily line to the important support of the daily line MA250 (64555), and then rebounded to the 5-day moving average for a second decline. So far, a new oscillation range has been formed, high-altitude and low-multiple. The high altitude is near the high point of 58500 on July 7, and this point will coincide with the 10-day moving average. The low-multiple is near the lower edge of yesterday's K-line at 55800, close to the large support of the daily MA250. The next 3 to 5 days will be a range oscillation pattern until the daily level 5-day moving average and The 10-day moving average is further close to choose a new direction

2. Operations should not rely solely on a single spot. The group entered a short order at the 5-day moving average pressure level the day before yesterday, and yesterday it took a long order for the second time. There is an opportunity when there is volatility. Long and short positions must understand their own operation cycles. Different levels correspond to different holding times and different profit margins. High-altitude and low-long positions use shocks to reverse operations. Strong coins pay attention to ENS/TIA. BTC short-term pressure level 58230 ~ 58670, BTC first support level 56300, second support level 55800

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