A crash is nothing new in the crypto world. In this circle, one must accept it psychologically. Having said that, there is no other way but to accept it, unless one leaves the market.

Only after experiencing a sharp rise can there be a chance of a sharp fall.

This is an inescapable rule, so first of all, we must learn to adapt.

If we don’t experience such trends several times every year, it’s not called the cryptocurrency circle.

Let's try to analyze why such an extreme market situation occurs.

The cryptocurrency world is trading 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, and 60 seconds a minute. Try to imagine if you maintain an elegant posture every moment, with a daily fluctuation of only one or two percent, just like an electrocardiogram with a balanced heart rate, and you have been doing this for more than ten years, will you get aesthetic fatigue?

Every day he was half-dead, and he walked weakly and sickly, just like a patient.

It goes up 2% today and down 1% tomorrow.

Is it interesting? Can it attract people?

It's like watching a movie. From beginning to end, there are no ups and downs in the plot, no thrilling scenes, and no propaganda that makes people love, hate, and feel resentment.

It definitely won't be a good movie.

It is just like a couple who have lived together for more than ten years, treating each other with respect and harmony every moment of every day, without even a single quarrel.

After a long time, you may feel that something is missing and your life needs a little spice.

Sometimes, a small quarrel over something can deepen the relationship between two people afterwards.

So, you should understand now.

There are sudden ups and downs in the market, which is necessary for the plot.

Only such a grand event can attract more people's attention, attract more people, and allow more people to enter this market.

Be it a sharp drop or a sharp rise.

Just like the plot reaches a climax or a trough,

The sharp drop is the bottom, and the sharp rise is the climax.

After hitting the bottom, there is only one way to go, that is, rebound or start a new round of rise.

After the climax, there is only one way to go, and that is to find a way down the mountain.

This is to put aside the content of the plot and the macro environment.

The existence of this market itself requires such an interpretation, otherwise it would not be called a currency, and its name would not be called a circle.

The most direct reason is the lack of market liquidity. The compensation of Mentougou and the sale of bitcoin by the German government were just the fuse, which brought panic to the market. Everyone knew that if the market fell, they would definitely choose to sell their stocks, but at this time there was not enough liquidity to take over, so a big drop occurred.

If you like this market, no matter whether it soars or plummets, no matter how deep you are trapped, no matter how badly you are cut,

Please extend your hands and hug her warmly.

If you hate this kind of jumping up and down, if you don't like this kind of ups and downs, up to the clouds, down to the ground.

Then please wave goodbye and leave without taking away a cloud.

Big money is not made in buying and selling, but in waiting.

Time and opportunity are sometimes more important to us than capital.

There is a joke online that says if you’re looking for a partner, look for someone in the cryptocurrency world.

A 15% drop keeps you calm, a 30% drop makes you feel nonchalant, a 50% drop keeps you silent, a 80% drop keeps you silent, and a 90% drop keeps you calm - you have completely let go and are detached from everything.

The main point is a stable mind without any disturbance.

Is that person you?

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