The main force routine in the bull market: Have you fallen into the trap?

In the bull market, before each violent pull-up, the main force will always rack its brains to suppress the price and force retail investors to cut their losses and get off the train. After the violent pull-up, retail investors suddenly realized: This is the trap of the main force.

When the market enters the final crazy stage, many retail investors can't help it and chase in to eat the last bite of meat, thinking of expanding the principal and increasing income. But the result is often firmly trapped at the top of the mountain.

What is the main force's strategy?

1. Suppress the price: The main force makes retail investors think that the market can't hold up and is about to fall sharply by creating a price drop, inducing them to sell their positions.

2. Create an illusion: The main force makes you see that your account is shrinking, and you can't help but sell high and buy low, but in fact it is just an illusion.

3. Clean up the chips: When the chips in the hands of retail investors become less, the main force can better pull the market and control the market, trapping retail investors at a high point.

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