SKL: It shows a bearish trend at the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour levels. At present, you can pay special attention to the price on the 1-hour chart: 0.04205 near #sol趋势

If this price can be firmly supported, the long position is expected to break upward, and the upper target point is: 0.04246 to 0.04402. D#德国政府转移比特币

If it is not possible to effectively break through the 1-hour sideways area, it may enter a downward or consolidation state. At this time, the lower target point can be concerned about: 0.04118 to 0.04035.

Dear friends, the risk volatility of the currency circle is large, and the capital preservation strategy should be put first. Only by following the market main force can you make a profit. #ASI代币合并计划 $SKL