$BNB #BNB金鏟子

⚡️BN, what on earth are you doing recently💢💢💢

⚡️You guys started messing around when CZ wasn’t here!

Look at it now, we VIPs are not very satisfied! I, who holds a lot of BNB, can’t help but nag about you❕

The 7th anniversary is coming soon, what benefits can you give us on July 14?

You said you would issue a BNB holder airdrop, but I haven’t seen anything yet💢.

Why did you issue an announcement?

Are you trying to trick me or are you targeting us holders?

Also, many old coin holdings are not updated, and the data on circulation and circulating market value are outdated. Users have to search for even this basic information themselves.

People who connect with project parties can't just be busy launching new projects, they also have to take care of the follow-up work!

You issued an announcement without a beginning or an end, causing users to suffer various losses. Don't bully customers!

Hello 🉐 is the world's number one ☝️, so we have to keep up with the times?

Seeing that CZ is about to come out, can you give him a better Binance?

I'm eagerly waiting to see what you can do on July 14?

Can you live up to CZ and our vast BNB holders?


