The currency circle has been falling for nearly 4 consecutive months, which is a bit like the situation in 21 years. After the halving, there will be a periodic small correction. August-September may usher in a new upward trend, and the bull market will begin. However, the market did not break through the high point of 7.3w. It began to fall back at the end of May and the beginning of June, and has retreated 25%. The market should never be wishful thinking. The big cake will be cut in half, and it is normal for the altcoin to fall to zero. Make the worst plan before you can wait for improvement.

Personally, I think the big bull is still behind, and now is the time to pull back and wash the market. If you miss it, you may really have no chance. Maintain your position and withstand the return to zero. Now is the time to plan your strategy, rest and accumulate energy to meet the next wave of market conditions! The market always goes back and forth. Only by seizing opportunities can you win the future.

If you don’t know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you follow me. Whether it is spot or contract, a slight shot may be your limit. The opportunity is very short, so you must seize it! Success is not based on luck, choice is more important than hard work, and the circle determines destiny. In the cryptocurrency circle, in addition to having a keen eye for judging the situation, you also have to keep up with a good team and a good leader. If you follow me, you are already halfway to success in the cryptocurrency circle! Near Junyang + Wei: BTC09199

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