Bilin Temple————The second episode of the series of unwinding

Everyone will have such an experience, various indicators, various combinations, indulge in them, can not extricate oneself, as if entering the Shaolin Temple's Sutra Library, looking for the sword to kill the throat trading secrets, looking for the so-called Holy Grail, this process will last for a very long time, until one day suddenly realize: the Holy Grail is a sacred object, how can we mortals have it, this realization is probably the step from seeing the mountain is not a mountain to seeing the mountain is still a mountain! It is not difficult to make funds go up, and it is the real skill to not fight for it again. In fact, it is a trading framework, not so complicated, nor so simple. This is not simple. The market is ever-changing. Your framework only needs a response model to block the enemy with soldiers and cover the water with earth, which is enough!

Update on the unwinding situation: At present, with the position unchanged, the liquidation price has moved down by nearly 700 US dollars, and the total funds have risen from $34449 to $38635. The trapped amount has fallen below $20000. After the complete unwinding, a graphic document will be made for friends in need as a reference. Of course, I don’t want any brothers to be trapped. If you are accidentally trapped, Bilin Temple will support you in unwinding! Thank you for your attention, you are so handsome, so beautiful and so rich! #币林寺扫地僧 #被套解套 #如何不被套 #BTC走势预测 $BTC $ETH