The dealer's operation is an art. Bullish news requires storytelling, and crashing the market also requires storytelling. The method used by the dealer to crash the market this time is obviously different from 312 and 519. In essence, it is because the story this time is not explosive enough, there is no big thunder, and the story can only be used as an auxiliary:

- The US government sells coins, the German government sells coins

- Compensation for the doorway

Without a moving story, it cannot be smashed in one day, but it will give others the opportunity to pick up chips at a low price. It has to fall slowly. Look carefully at the K-line after June 7. The cottage fell so smoothly without any rebound, which is very unreasonable.

In essence, the dealer used time + space this time, and then used the story as an auxiliary to complete a 312.

However, no matter how things change, they will not deviate from the essence. Crashing the market is not for shipping, but for collecting chips at a cheaper price. If you don't have a basic understanding of "crashing the market", it is easy to panic, sell at a loss, and fall before dawn.

If you are still underwater and can't see the market trend clearly, if you are bullish, it will fall, if you are bearish, it will rise, please follow my profile and share the profit code for free every day

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