1. Those who get rich first will not take the initiative to lead those who get rich later. They would rather run away with the money than give a chance for those who come later to survive!

2. When the profit reaches 10%, some people begin to get ready; when the profit reaches 50%, some people dare to take risks; when the profit reaches 100%, they dare to trample on all human laws; and when the profit reaches 300%, they are not even afraid of going to the gallows.

3. The economic base determines the superstructure.

4. Equal exploitation of labor is the primary human right of capital.

5. Deposits below 500,000 can only be considered as "balance". Wealth comes from numerology, not from hard work; profit comes from situation, not from hard work.

6. The personal consumption of workers is only to maintain the operation of their own labor force. This has become the first element of the reproduction process, just like draft animals need feed and machines need oil.

7. Gold and silver are naturally not currency, but currency is naturally gold and silver.

8. If you want to get rich, you cannot be too kind. If you are too kind, you cannot get rich.

9. 90% of people who fail in entrepreneurship are too kind!

10. If you want to be rich, you must not be too kind. If you are too kind, you will not be rich.

11. People who work all day long cannot get rich. Wealth is a compensation for cognition, not a reward for diligence.

12. People who don’t negotiate conditions are very ambitious.

13. It often takes three to five years to make a lot of money. If you have it, you have it. If you don’t, you don’t have it.

14. Many people hold a very foolish idea that they can open a store or company and run it for a lifetime and support themselves for a lifetime. However, the reality is cruel.

15. You must save up your living expenses for the next ten years in the three years of good weather and good harvests. Then, sell the business at its peak, and spend the next few days drinking tea, investigating, exploring the next opportunity, and looking for the next outlet.

16. Don’t hold on to something too tightly, otherwise the result will often be that you lose all the profits of three years and end up in heavy debt.

17. All successful businessmen understand one thing: it is a blessing to operate in the field in which they are good at for a long time. However, if they stand still in the field in which they are good at, the result will be a dismal ending.

18. Therefore, either you seize the opportunity or continue to improve in your field. If you don’t make progress, you will fall behind!

19. The core of making money is nothing more than two ways: one is to make money with time, and the other is to make money with value. A person is poor because he regards money as his life, and a person is rich because he regards money as a tool.

20. The essence of making money is competition. Whether in the past, present or future, it will not change. The rich and the poor are the representatives of the competitors and the fought for.

21. When you find out that you bought a house for 500,000 yuan, lived in it for ten years, and sold it to someone else for 5 million yuan, you suddenly realize that wealth has nothing to do with hard work.

22. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when making money. Making mistakes is the biggest surprise and the most precious gift God has prepared for you.

23. There are four things you can’t do without when doing business: 1. Sell courtesy to new customers and enthusiasm to old customers. 2. Sell efficiency to urgent customers and patience to slow customers. 3. Sell nobility to the rich and sell value to the poor. 4. Always keep smiling.

24. The masters are practicing Tai Chi, while the ordinary people are practicing "too anxious", that is, being too anxious. The more anxious you are to make money, the more you will be cut, and the less money you will make. The more you care about the money in front of you, the less money you will have in the future.

25. When your savings reach 1 million, you will find a phenomenon that an ordinary family is getting richer and richer, and most of them follow these rules:
1. Save money every month without fail;
Second, do not buy luxury goods or electronic products costing 7,000 or 8,000 yuan;
3. Don’t order takeout, don’t eat out, and have a side income;
4. Keep learning, improve your cognitive thinking, and enhance your skills.

26. The only bargaining chip for the poor is time. If they want to make a comeback, they must cancel all entertainment.

27. Without passive income, you will work until you are 80. If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.

28. Making money is nothing more than a process of controlling one's own human nature and conforming to the human nature of others.

29. If you want to make money, you must make more connections, accumulate connections, and convert connections into money. This requires you to take the initiative to go out, expand your social circle, and make more high-quality connections, especially those that can help you make money.

30. Those who can make a lot of money focus on looking up and seeing the road, while those who have difficulty making a lot of money focus on working hard. Since ancient times, money has flowed to those who are not short of money, and suffering has been left to those who endure suffering. As long as the poor are willing to endure suffering, there will be endless suffering. Always remember that wealth lies in mathematics, not in hard work, and strength lies in the situation, not in hard work!#BTC