The market has too much inertia now. If it falls, it will keep falling. The same is true for rising. So don't hesitate to buy the bottom during the decline. My mother has this bad habit. She buys when it falls, and buys again when it falls again. As a result, she dares not buy when it reaches the lowest point. You expect one or two positions, and when they arrive, you get them all at once and wait. If you are wrong, you will lose money. ​​​

If there is good news about ETH-related ETFs, you will be ready to gradually sell the spot on hand. Don't think too much, you can't go too far. Either stop at 6w, and the farthest is around 64,000. ​​​

Today, let's see when the wif spot for fans will rush to more than 2 dollars. The current strength is still average.

It is estimated that one position is about 2.5. Anyway, it should not be a problem to start selling after breaking above 2.3. ​​​

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